You can't play SWG on a Mac so I looked around for other games that were available (MMO preferred). If you own a Mac, you know that there isn't a whole lot out there. Except World of Warcraft.
I started doing some research, and ended up spending a whole afternoon going through EVERY screenshot that was posted on the official World of Warcraft website. I was hooked.
It took me 3 more weeks to save up the money and finally buy my computer. By the time it arrived I had already read every page to the Brady Games guide to World of Warcraft. I had done all the research I could and decided on a tauren hunter.
I really liked how huge they were and they didn't look quite as funky as the trolls. (I also found the classic idea of a troll [ew yucky] to make me not want to play that race.) As for hunter, I was really excited about the idea of having a pet to hang out with me.
Gnok was created. I levelled Gnok to around 30 having only gone to one abortive attempt at an instance: Wailing Caverns, and I really didn't want to go through that again. Gnok got to 1000 Needles and I got bored with him. To this day he has only leveled to 40.
The second time around I decided that perhaps I should go with a toon that was a little more normal looking and so I opted for a human. After that I wanted a class that could heal itself and that was very tough = PALADIN. Knales was born (although the spelling of his name has changed a few times over the years because of realm jumping).

I really liked the paladin and leveled him quite quickly to 50 and then got bored. This was in the days when 60 was level cap and, even though I was quite close, I still found it to feel a million miles away. My guild had also blown up and I'd had too many instance runs that were just disasters. At that time I dabbled with other toons, but none that made it past level 20 and none that haven't been deleted.
When the Silithus patch came out, I went back to Knales and finished him off. DING 60. I found some good friends on my server and we started running 60 instances on a regular basis in order to get some good drops.
At that time some of those aforementioned friends decided to experiment with an RP server, so I followed them and created a mage from scratch. Eventually I was in a really good guild and we were all leveling like crazy. Knales jumped to this new server and he was the highest level we had. I got my mage to about level 40 and then got bored again.
This is when the hunter class was re-born for me. I rolled a dwarf hunter and powerleveled him to 40 so I could use him instead of my mage to hang with my friends. By 50 most of them had disappeared, but I had no trouble getting him to 60. Kalel and Knales were constantly getting switched out when the needs of the group matched them (Knales was holy at this time).
Somewhere in here my roommate -- the SWG geek got into WoW, got his own account and wanted to hang with me in-game, but didn't want to level an Alliance toon. We started taurens on a PVP server. I went druid, he went shaman. I ran around with Kreskin in PVP land until he hit the mid-30s and I got bored again.
I went back to my old Alliance server to find that all my old friends had come back, and they were levelling again. Sweetness. I played both my hunter and my pally toons and was starting to get some great gear.
A month later The Burning Crusade came crashing into my life. Honestly my hunter was my first toon to zone into Outland, but that lasted for about 2 hours before I realized I wanted my paladin to really HIT something. Knales came out and I leveled him extremely fast to 70 and was the first in my guild, by far, with a flying mount.
After some time an old friend from my first server re-surfaced and we decided to make Draenai shaman together. Jole was born and he was quickly leveled to 50 before I got a little bored with the leveling grind.
I went back to Knales and was having a lot of fun healing level 70 instances and getting ready for heroics and Kara. Before I could ever run Kara further than Maiden, I had some personal and financial issues and quit the game completely.
Two weeks after Wrath of the Lich King came out I signed back into World of Warcraft, with the expansion in hand. I told myself that I was going to level my hunter first, because of all the fun changes made to that class. That lasted about 3 days, and I decided to try out my paladin again in the Retribution tree.
WOOHOO! Was that fun! But I was still not satisfied. I really wanted to be doing something both useful in groups and interesting to me. I read around on the changes to the different specs and re-rolled to Protection.
This is where I belong. I really have enjoyed protection and I believe I will stick with it -- unless and until I have no options but to respec to Holy in order to be useful at all. At least until dual specs drop. And that's going to be great.
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