This is a continuation of my discussion of addons. The addons below are ones that I have found very fun and/or useful at times, but that I can live without if I need to. Enjoy.
This is a damage meter. It can measure your dps in a fight or over a long period of time, tell you how much damage you or party/raid members do in total, and you can spam it to any chat channel you want. There is a ton of functionality to this addon, much more than most people have time to figure out.
If you are an herbalist or a miner then you freakin need this addon. Every time you tap a node it records where you are in the world and how much of whatever you get out of the node. Then on your main map or mini-map you will have little pins telling you where to go to get all those mats. I absolutely love it -- but if you're a skinner or tailor, you're SOL. Sorry.
This is a cooldown counter. Instead of watching your action bars closely for that nice little animation to finish, you get nice big numbers counting down, telling you exactly when you can button mash that spell again. It's great for maximizing your spells and their cooldowns. I find that it really helps me to get in a rythmn with my spell rotations.
Wardrobe. OR Outfitter.
Both of these do basically the same thing -- help you to keep track of your gear. If you're like me you have a few extra pieces of armor in your bags, some with more stamina, others with more intellect or whatever. You can assign those armor pieces to sets and then switch back and forth almost instantly. One set for Solo Questing, another for Group Tanking. Shazam. I personally find Outfitter to be a little easier to work with, but that seems to be personal preference.
This mod helps you to decide which pieces to equip and which to discard. Sometimes it's hard to decide if the trade off between 2 points of stamina and 6 points of strength is worth it. This addon will tell you how many hit points you are losing and how much attack power and blocking you are gaining. You still need to make that decision, but at least you are much better informed now.
Anyone who raids needs this addon. Or something so similar as to be nearly indistinguishable. This has internal timers to let you know when something important is going to happen in raid boss fights -- and it tells you about it. When a boss and his internal timer have decided it's time to cast NUKE BOMB FRENZY which will kill everyone in line of sight, DBM will give you a heads up. "Hey, NUKE BOMB FRENZY is about to be cast, get moving or you are toast!" Or something like that. Most raiding groups call this a MUST HAVE.
There are a couple of decent places to find your new addons. Some that you find will have websites of their own, and that's where you'll find the best information, but you'll really want to shop around a little and the clearing house websites are really quite good. I have always used the Curse Gaming website, but there are a few others out there: WoW Interface, WoW UI at World of, and also don't forget to use WowWiki, they have a nice Addon page too.
Diablo IV: Vessel of Hatred
2 months ago
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