I started out in Dragonblight, had just finished AN and had recently dinged 73 so I thought I might go back to vanilla Wow and get some training and hit the Auction house. Well, my hearthstone was still set to Shattrath because getting to Howling Fjord from there was no big shakes. Portal to Ironforge, then fly to Menethil Harbor, hop on boat, boom. But getting anywhere else with flight times and such was going to be a major pain in the butt. So, let's go to Dalaran.
I whispered a high level mage in Dragonblight, offered a meager tip and they agreed. I met up with them and clicked on the portal that was created. ............... Two minutes later I arrived in Dalaran, sort of. I could not even turn my character in a circle without lag jumps and snags.
Seeing that lag was going to be an issue I changed my video settings to their lowest and tried again. Barely was there an improvement. It ended up taking me about 20 minutes with all the stuttering to get from the arrival room to the flight point and then to the Alliance city portals. Sheesh.
Now, I know that my video card is not the best, but it's not all bad either. I know that I could have more RAM, but here's the thing. ALL OTHER ASPECTS OF WOW WORK GREAT. Why should I have to upgrade my machine just for one small part of the game?
So, could Blizzard do something about this? Honestly I do not know. I wish they would. I found my first experience in DALARAN ( a place I've been wanting to go to since my little hordie hunter -- first toon -- flew past it from the Undercity to ... somewhere). I was really excited to see what the big city had to offer.

What Dalaran offered to me was disappointment and despair. I wanted to leave so badly. And I did. I truly felt like some po-dunk hick from the sticks who made their first trip to NYC in their mid-forties and couldn't handle all the stuff. Except this time, it was not me who could not handle it -- it was my machine and/or the WoW server.
By the way -- in order to help with the lag issues, I set my hearthstone to the sewers, where it seems, many fewer players are found. My lag issues are slightly better -- but I still need to come up to the city for the flight master and the other city portals. Either way, I guess I'll get by for now.
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