Today I would like to discuss addons. While there are those out there that say that addons are cheating, it is my belief that if Blizzard didn't want us using them to make our lives easier or more enjoyable, then they wouldn't have allowed us to enable and use them, plus, come on they can really make things better!
There are a couple of decent places to find your new addons. Some that you find will have websites of their own, and that's where you'll find the best information, but you'll really want to shop around a little and the clearing house websites are really quite good. I have always used the Curse Gaming website, but there are a few others out there: WoW Interface, WoW UI at World of, and also don't forget to use WowWiki, they have a nice Addon page too.
Titan Panel.
This is something that I just can't live without. I set it so that it only shows the bar, fully transparent on the top, and it always shows me some great information instantly. How much gold I currently have, where I am in the world by name and zone as well as coordinates, what the percentage of damage has been done to my equipment and approximately how much it will cost to repair, how much room I have in my bags (although you CAN set this to show on your bags icon through the normal UI), if I'm playing my hunter how much ammo I have left and many many more little tidbits of information. HIGHLY RECOMMENDED.
Another addon I can't live without. This addon will scan the entire auction house (when you tell it to) and can do 2 major things that I really love. First it will help you to sell your stuff. It will analyze trends and suggest good prices to sell any items that you have in your bags. Secondly you can set it so that it will tell you that good price information for items as you acquire them out in the world. If all those quest rewards are vendor trash to you, it will tell you how much vendors will pay for them so you can get the most cash out of those rewards. There are so many different ways to use Auctioneer, different settings and it has a bunch of sub-addons that do a whole variety of things. Do check it out.
(Personally I only have Auctioneer fully activated on my bank character as I feel it slows down my UI on my main.)
Healbot Cont.
I absolutely love this addon. Even though I don't do much healing anymore it simplifies any healing that I do need to do. Just one button click and it will automatically decide which heal to give me at any given point and it can be set to cast any number of spells with certain modifiers (hold down alt+click and BUBBLE). You can also set it to remind you when buffs are about to run out and then, a simple click will recast those buffs on the correct people. You can also change the look of Healbot in so many ways, plus it has various skins included with the download. This addon takes a little work to get it set just the way you want, but once you have it, you'll wonder how you lived without it.
If you're a tank, like I am, then you need a threat meter. There are 2 main threat meters available: Omen and KLH. I use Omen because of it's ease of setup. Right out of the box it seems to work perfectly to me. Now I know that there are tons of ways to get it going and all threat meters really only shine fully when all members of your party or raid are using, but if you are tanking and don't have a threat meter, you are wasting valuable time and thought processing unnecessarily. Get it! Got it? Good.
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