Admittedly we had an awesome group setup. Me, tankadin 73, retadin 72, healadin 77 and 2 boomkins -- both 73. Nothing squishie there.
This is truly an instance to love. There are 3 bosses, hardly any trash mobs and little to no distance between the three. We seriously completed it (my first time) in under 30 minutes and came away with some very nice quest rewards: Expelling Gauntlets and Greaves of the Traitor. I spammed my new items to guild chat and another tank in our guild who is 76 now was shocked -- his stuff was of lesser uberness! He had skipped Dragonblight altogether. Yikes. Needless to say, he was rolling through there with a PUG of his own within 20 minutes.
Usually I tend to do a little research on an instance before I walk through the doors, especially when I'm tanking, but this time I happened to ding 73 right in front of the AN entrance and had just picked up both quests. I figured I would put myself out there in LFG and while waiting, look up the boss fights and see what is the what.
Less than 3 minutes later I was in a full group and summoning.
Really, it was quite easy. It seems that the whole point of the instance is to fly through it quickly so as not to get overwhelmed by the constantly spawning Nerubians. I'm not going to go into strategies because there don't seem to be any -- we just tanked and spanked the whole instance. Although the last boss fight is rather long so mana conservation is probably a good idea.
Have fun and get in there.
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