There is a extremely long, but highly entertaining questline called Wrathgate in which you get to participate in the battle against the Lich King on a personal level.
At the end of the questline you get an achievement as well as a wonderful cinematic cutscene that shows a great battle and Arthas, the Lich King himself, makes an appearance.
I really can't recommend this questline enough. Not only is it great XP, great lore and great fun, but you get nice Achievement at the end -- and it gets you closer to the Dragonblight zone quest Achievement as well.

This is taken from forum text at Wowhead.
For the Alliance! Here are the quest steps you need to go through for this achievement. "Optional" quests are those that can be done with the main quests with little to no extra effort.
I cannot recommend enough that you take the time to read the quest text. Seriously, this is one of the best questlines in the game, hands down. It's worth taking the extra time to read everything.
Part 1:
1) The Lost Courier
2) Of Traitors and Treason
3) High Commander Halford Wyrmbane
4) Naxxramas and the Fall of Wintergarde
5) Flight of the Wintergarde Defender
6) Return to the High Commander
At this point, the High Commander will give you two quests.
Part 2a:
1) Rescue from Town Square (optional: The Fate of the Dead)
2) Find Durkon!
3) The Noble's Crypt
4) Secrets of the Scourge (obtained from the tome to the right of Necrolord Amarion)
5) Mystery of the Tome
6) Understanding the Language of Death
7) A Righteous Sermon
Part 2b:
1) The Demo-gnome
2) The Search for Slinkin (optional: The Bleeding Ore and Not in Our Mine)
3) Leave Nothing to Chance
4) Understanding the Scourge War Machine
Then, everything meets up again at the High Commander, and you go back to one line of quests.
Part 3:
1) Into Hostile Territory
2) Steamtank Surprise
3) Scattered to the Wind
4) The Chain Gun And You
5) Plunderbeard Must Be Found! (optional: Breaking Off A Piece)
6) Plunderbeard's Journal
7) Chasing Icestorm: The 7th Legion Front
8) Chasing Icestorm: Thel'zan's Phylactery
9) Finality
Part 4:
1) An End And A Beginning
2) To Fordragon Hold!
3) Audience With The Dragon Queen
4) Galakrond and the Scourge
5) On Ruby Wings
6) Return To Angrathar
As soon as you complete the last quest, you will be shown the Wrath Gate cinematic, and when it's over, you'll receive the achievement. If you want to finish the questline, it's only five more quests:
1) Reborn From The Ashes
2) Fate, Up Against Your Will
3) A Royal Coup
4) The Killing Time
5) The Battle For The Undercity
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